Our Store Locator January 2023 Updates

Store Locator Plus® has been updated to patch various minor bugs and to improve code design as we move toward implementing new React applets that will modernize the user experience.    The updates in our mid-January release should be transparent to most users.   No action is required for our SaaS platform users.    WordPress plugin users will want to update to the latest version when convenient.

Patches To Our Store Locator Include…

Fix remote web asset test algorithm. This algorithm would sometimes generate a missing variable warning for urlToFetch. In some cases this would cause Store Locator Plus® to think remote web assets (images, CSS files, and other objects hosted on a different website) to show as missing. This has been resolved.

Update code variables, global naming conventions, and related background development elements. These changes are non-functional changes. They are mostly code comments that provide hints to the integrated development environments used by our developers to provider smarter code hints, autocompletion, and quality control services. These changes do not affect functionality.

Store Locator Plus® October Update Brings User Experience Updates

abstract architecture black and white boardwalk

The October 2022 update of Store Locator Plus® is now out for both the SaaS platform and the self-managed installations for WordPress plugins.   The current release continues down the path of updating the user controls dashboard with newer React-based components.    While the user experience (UX) updates are relatively minor with this October update, the underlying technology has set the foundation to begin replacing major interface elements with a modern interface.

The new Material UI on React design will allow Store Locator Plus® to catch up to modern design standards and pave the way for not only a better interface on the dashboard but lead to more advanced designs on the published location maps and eventually produce advanced directory style listings from your locations.

Some of the changes you’ll notice in this release include a new title bar, simplified menu system, and context-sensitive documentation links on each primary Store Locator Plus® dashboard page.

Store Locator Plus® Patches Search Form Name Label

Store Locator Plus® Release Notes
SaaS 2022.08.08 / WordPress 5.14

Store Locator Plus® has been updated for the early August 2022 release.   This impacts both the WordPress plugins and the SaaS product.     Users of the WordPress plugins will need to download and update to the latest releases.   SaaS users will see these updates automatically.

MySLP SaaS All Levels

A patch has been put into place on the JavaScript core method that reduces network I/O from REST API calls when rendering map labels.    The pre-patched version would consider various labels as not being set if a user was setting a label to an empty string.  This created a REST API call for every location that was being displayed to fetch new label information.  This patch reduces those calls to a single REST API request per page render versus per-location rendered.

MySLP SaaS Professional and Enterprise Updates

This release patches search form name labels and the name placeholder.   These settings were not being honored.  The functionality has been restored.

The map search form “Hide Address Entry” has been patched to hide ONLY the address input box, not the entire search form.

Version Info

The changes noted above can be found in the following update.

Store Locator Plus® (SaaS Edition) : 2022.08.08
Store Locator Plus® for WordPress: 5.14.X
Store Locator Plus® for WP : Experience: 5.14.X