map creator
map creator

Store Locator Plus® is a fully managed map creator service that provides an easy-to-use interface to display Google maps on your site.   You can build maps for any web platform like SquareSpace, Weebly, WixWordPress and others.   You can even use Store Locator Plus® to add interactive maps to any JavaScript-enabled mobile app.

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About Store Locator Plus® Map Creator

The Store Locator Plus® map creator started out as a simple WordPress plugin to help provide a map interface that was easy for the administrative staff at Tommy Hilfiger to use when listing retail locations for several of their higher-end brands.   Over the years the Store Locator Plus® software evolved — first to a highly configurable WordPress plugin and in 2017 into a full-fledged SaaS (Software as a Service) offering.    The same great user experience manager and high performance location processing engine built into the WordPress plugins are now available for non-WordPress sites.    We have multiple clients using the Store Locator Plus® system on Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, and GoDaddy Site Builder platforms to name a few.   Python, PHP, Java, and JavaScript apps have also been written using the JavaScript embed codes to bring SaaS-driven results to a myriad of apps and websites.

Google Maps For Less

Web developers that utilize our SaaS service enjoy lower fees for their Google Maps.    Adding Google Maps and licensing the API directly from Google is going to require a credit card on file with Google.   They charge $7 per-1000 map views or geolocation requests.     Our SaaS maps have plans that start at $5/month and allow map views that average $5 per-1000 views.    Enterprise level clients that need more map view than that level of service includes get our $5 per-1000 views discount rate on all extra maps.

What Can You Build With Our Map Creator?

Medical services directories like this Platelet Rich Plasma Doctors directory or Bioidentical Hormone Doctors directory by Akamai Innovations.

Akamai Innovations properties are built on highly customized WordPress themes to create their map presentation.  You can build simpler interfaces such as this text-directory version of our Akamai Solar demo hosted on our Store Locator Plus® SaaS.