
New Edit Locations Interface

You may have noticed that the admin interface for Store Locator Plus has been changing during the past few releases.

Last month My Store Locator Plus users noticed that the Advanced Settings menu has been renamed “Store Locator Plus”.   This has been done as we work toward improving and consolidating our documentation as well as functionality between the WordPress plugin and the fully managed locator service.

This month our Store Locator Plus users , whether using the WordPress plugins or MySLP service will notice that the add and edit locations page looks a bit different.   This is part of today’s 4.9.14 update for WordPress and 18.04 update for MySLP.

Store Locator Settings

Store Locator Plus for WordPress users should skip version 4.9.11 of the base plugin (Store Locator Plus) update.  Installing that release will reset some settings for the plugin including the layout settings for users that have the Experience add on.

The problem has been located and is patched in the 4.9.12 release that was published moments ago.

Full Restore

If you updated to 4.9.11 you will need to restore your SLP settings from a backup of the site made prior to the SLP 4.9.11 update.

Selective Restore of Settings

Experienced users can restore the following two entries from the wp_options table from a prior backup of the site if you do not wish to do a full site restore:

option_names: csl-slplus-options and csl-slplus-options_nojs

If you are not sure how to restore select options from the wp_options table your best alternative is a standard full site restore.

No locations are lost/changed during this process. They are stored in a separate location.

For Users With No Custom Layouts

If you updated to 4.9.11 of Store Locator Plus but are not using the Experience add on you may be able to update to SLP 4.9.12 and restore standard styling by doing to Settings > View > Gallery Styles and selecting one of our default styles for your site.  If you were using the Default style select Default With Font Tweaks , activate it, then select Default to re-load the layout controls from our servers.

MySLP Managed Service

Most users were not impacted by this bug.  The select few users there were impacted by the 18.0320 update last week have had their prior settings restored.

If you are using MySLP and think your settings were changed and your account was not reset, please let us know within 30 days so we can manually recover your prior settings.

Map attributes have been extended in 4.9.7

map attributes - a global map with markers

Store Locator Plus 4.9.7 “map attributes” update was released today for our WordPress users. The update is still in testing for MySLP users — some of the patches in this release are a direct result of the testing before integrating into our managed service. The updated release will be on the MySLP platform soon but will have limited impact on those users.

More shortcode map attributes for WordPress users

The [slplus] processor in the core plugin has been updated to allow more map attributes to be set.  This update allows ALL options that have been migrated to the new Smart Options architecture (80% of all SLP settings at this point) to be used as an attribute. This greatly improves the ability to create custom maps on a per-page basis with settings that vary from the general “system wide” settings that come from the Store Locator Plus > Settings tab.

You can find the current list of supported attributes here: