WordPress Store Locator Plus plug-in

How do you know if you need to obtain a Google Maps API key?

As of June 11, 2018(update: Google has extended this date to July 6)  all sites using Google map  to geolocate will need a key and a billing account. If you do not have one your map will no longer work.   If you are using any of the WordPress Locator plugins, that most likely means you. If your site worked before without one, those days are history.

Google API changes in service

MySLP Managed Locator Service

This store locator service is a subscription and is managed by the Store Locator Plus team. What does that mean? Besides being able to use it on virtually any platform, it also means you do not need to worry about SLP updates nor  will you have the hassle of logging into the Google developers console to obtain a key with a Google billing account. You subscribe to our service and pay a monthly fee (subscription) depending on the plan you need. You will not see a “surprise” charge on your credit card in the event you go over the limit.

Switching between WP Store locator to MySLP just became easier!!

Contact us to learn how to sign up for the  New “Lock and Load” your Locations from WPSLP as part of your transition process  to MySLP.  Available with  the SLP 4.9.16 release. MySLP plans start for a low  monthly fee.



