Location Directions for Store Locator

The list of locations has a link for directions from your user’s location to each of the stores shown on the map.    At some point in the recent past this feature stopped working.    Our November update to My Store Locator Plus® addresses this issue, restoring proper direction links to your locations.    Self-managed WordPress plugin users will need to upgrade to the Store Locator Plus plugin version 4.9.22 for this patch.

Map Directions
Map Directions



Hyperlink Phone Dialer

The dial by phone feature stopped working in a recent update to Store Locator Plus®.   This impacted both the self-managed WordPress plugins as well as our fully managed My Store Locator Plus® service users.

The patch is available in the Experience add on version 4.9.22 for WordPress users; WordPress plugin users will need to download and install the latest release.   MySLP users already have the updated software and will have the dialing feature back online by the time they read this.

Dial By Phone is a feature that wraps the phone number links in the location lists in a link with a de-facto standard tel: prefix.    For users visiting your site from a mobile phone the on-phone browser will automatically dial the number when a user clicks the link.

Store Locator Subscriptions

Our November update to My Store Locator Plus® further addresses self-service invoices.   Our October release allows user to view their subscription invoices online and download a PDF copy for every month they were billed.

Unbeknownst to us, Stripe changes the subscription ID whenever a user allows the subscription to expire.   Often it is due to a credit card expiring and not being updated in their My Store Locator Plus® account.  When that happens a new subscription ID is assigned.  Unfortunately our invoice review interface was only linking to a single subscription ID.

MySLP Subscription Details
MySLP Subscription Details